Together we create an opportunity for basic income with Bobooki

Bobooki would like to give authors a greater share of the profits from their books. We use our store for this purpose: We sell books and pass on most of the profit margin to the authors.

As an author, you can have a sponsorship of one or more of your own books. In this case, you will receive 15% of the sales price of each copy of your book sold through our platform - in addition to what the publisher pays. You can renew your book sponsorship as often as you like.

In addition you can also take over a sponsorship for another book, which you would like to recommend. Then the same conditions apply to you as to other book sponsors - you receive 10% of the sales price for each copy sold via our platform.

Wenn Du gerne eine Buch-Patenschaft übernehmen möchtest, schreib’ uns gerne an!