The solace, nourishment and underlying meaning of everyday words
When I first hold David Whyte’s Consolations in my hands and started to read just a couple of lines, I was astonished by his words, they touched and moved me so deeply that I couldn’t keep reading for a while.
This book helps me to experience paradox, subtle and intense feelings of being alive and finding a lot of comfort through this process.
David Whyte’s words rearranged my reality and my perspective, I am grateful that I found this book, it is since then guiding me through questions I have and difficult and incoherent moments.
Consolations for me is a plea to not avoid aspects of being human – loss, heartbreak, vulnerability, fear. By finding them reinterpreted in Consolations we can fully embrace their complexity and we can face the journey of search for meaning.

“We think we know what we are talking about, the meaning of things, the basic rules of language, until we read David Whyte’s Consolations where we are forced to reassess everything and begin again.” Nick Cave
“A word can know you better than you know yourself and I did not fully understand this until I read Consolations.” Lemn Sissay

You find Consolations here, for your bedside table or to inspire a loved one!